
Welcome to this blog. I'm a teacher at the E.O.I Dos Hermanas. This has been created to enhance your knowledge of English. Apart from the lessons, this blog can also be used as an extra tool. I'll publish material to be used both in class and at home. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable!! Have fun!!


Some pieces of advice

You will find some pieces of advice for the oral test. Click here.

Oral Test

Click here to check what day and what time you have been called for the oral test.


Oral practice

Today, we are going to practise this exercise in class.

Practise some listening!

Click here, you can listen and read the script at the same time. It´s a good example of natural conversation.


Comparatives in English

Practise on these links:
- exercise 1
- exercise 2
- exercise 3
- exercise 4
- Interesting webpage. A lesson plan to teach comparatives to children in an English Primary School.
- Watch this video.
- Learn with this song.

Twenty First Week

This week, we have learnt about comparatives in English and we have done quite a lot of oral practice. We did a reading comprehension exercise and some grammatical exercises about comparatives and present perfect vs past simple (ask me for the handouts next Monday in case you didn´t come on Wednesday).

- pp. 50- 51
- Grammar Bank 4D


More oral practice

Today we have worked these roles in class.


Twentieth Week

On Wednesday, we listened to a man talking about his cat phobia (p.77). We corrected the handout about differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple. Then, we saw the difference between words that are pronounced with /I/ or with /aI/. Finally, we did some oral practice.
- Read text on pp. 44 & 45. Do 1 GRAMMAR comparatives, as ... as, less... than ... on page 44.


Example of exam

Very interesting!!! La Comunidad de Madrid has provided its students with examples of exams. You can find them in this link.

Nineteenth Week

Last week we focused on speaking and listening comprehension exercises most of the time. On Wednesday, I gave you a handout to practise Present Perfect vs Past Simple (we´ll correct it tomorrow) and another handout modelling situations in a restaurant.
This week, you'll continue with your "theatre performances" and we´ll do many oral activities.

Dictionary on-line